Friday 4 January 2013

Diy x Vintage

I love the nostalgia of flea-markets and antique stores you never know what you might find in the heaps of stuff. Pieces of history right before your eyes and are sometimes very good as cute retro decor.If you go upstairs in my local antique store there are rooms and rooms of vintage clothing from all kinds of trends. Some of these don't cost so much yet are still beautiful. That's what really bugs me people thinking or saying that you need a lot of money to have style or nice clothes which is completely incorrect. My little black dress was £1 from a charity shop but that doesn't mean it's not stylish at all! You could have loads of money but have NOO style whatsoever. Sorry for rambling. It just ... grrr! At this time of year you can usually buy some cute vintage xmas decorations which look really cute with a group of other random ones around the house x
I don't know if any of you have a journal but if you do you, you probably understand what I mean by the juicy parts inside. The real emotional bits, the opinionated truthful you. Well I want to release that kind of me obviously not things like "so so is a cow" but the opinions. I don't want to be as shy as I am, just nodding my head, but asking myself if I actually agree. Your probably thinking 'why on Earth does this girl have a blog !!' Well it is a place where I can say the truth and not just say something  just so I don't get a bitchy response.
Ciao Rani Apple x

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