So loads of fashion blogs do trends of the week or whatever but, what I like might not always be a trend so I have started a new section on my blog called 'Obsession of The Week' or 'OoTW' for short. ;) So this for this week and forever I'm obsessed with candy.
I have started a bracelet made with varnished sweeties but it is taking a lot longer than I thought but I don't want this post to be delayed any longer.
- Alot of the things on the collage are from a Japanese website called Q-pot.
- The Pick 'n' Mix style bracelets are from a website, Girl From Blue City @ £9.96
- My favourite Insult Heart Candy (bottom left corner) @ £22.28
For any of the other items in the picture find them on my Polyvore ( not much there :c )
Once my bracelet is finished there will be a post on it ;)
Ciao for now, Rani Apple x